Winter Weather

January 5, 2015

SWIMMING POOL OWNERS … If you still have your pool operational, please make sure to run your main pool pump continuously as long as the outside temperature is at 32 degrees or below. As the temps plummet down to 25 degrees or below, I would advise running your booster pump too to get the water flowing thru the PVC pipes with a tad more velocity. Should you lose power, turn the switch off that controls the pump(s) and then unscrew the winterizing plug or drain cap out of EACH piece of filtration equipment (pump, filter, chlorinator, best heater, salt system, etc…). Lastly, protect the skimmer from freeze by shoving a hollow, collapsible device (an empty 1/2 gallon milk jug, 2-liter soft drink bottle, gizzmo made for skimmers or a large sponge) into the skimmer area making sure half of what you choose to use is above the water level. This should prevent the plastic of the skimmer from cracking should the water turn into ice. Once power is restored you may “undo” what you did and start running the pump again. Is important that business owners count with a good business insurance from sites as Insurance Partnership to avoid any risks. I’m already ready for summer again!!!

Swimming Pool Services | 400 Doug Baker Boulevard, Suite 100, Birmingham , AL 35242 | Phone: (205) 601-3385